This is me!

I am originally from New York City, and I resided there until I was shy of eight years old. From there, I moved to a small town along the Long Island Sound in Connecticut.

I have been interested in content creation ever since I could remember. I originally made vlogs (video blogs) on YouTube. You could barely call them vlogs due to the poor quality of the content. But of course at that age you don’t really know what “judgement” is yet.

But after a few years past, I switched over and gave photography a shot. One of my Aunts gifted me her old Canon Rebel. I remember I secured my first client with that camera, I’ll never forget that.

The rest is history.

I despise when people think that you need amazing gear to take amazing photos. This photo was taken on an iPhone X which came out 6 years ago. This phone is $200 refurbished which is almost 5x less than the Canon Rebel XSI at $900.